Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 20-21 Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), Vietnam

Day 20, Hoi An -> Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), Vietnam: In the morning, breakfast (this morning I had an "omelet" on a baguette spread with cheese. Plus fruit of course and ginger tea. Then the Post office lady showed up with forms, weighed the fabric and put it in a box. I paid her, she sealed and addressed the box and took it away with her. Sent by sea, takes 3 months, but it's not like I'll be home much earlier than that anyway. 
Bus showed up, loaded on the way to the airport. Wheeee.. Quick 45 minute flight to Saigon. 

Van ride to the hotel where we got to cross the street. Whee, the traffic's even more insane here than in Hanoi! Then after dropping our bags we all headed out to lunch at this place called Pho 2000. Aparenlty Bill Clinton ate here once. (they have pictures) I had Pho Bo (beef noodle soup) that was very tasty (though I WAS starving at this point so it might have affected my taste buds) and a fresh coconut to drink, which was ok. While we were in the resturant there were several intense rainshowers but it let up in time for us to walk back to the hotel and meet our Cyclo Drivers. 
The Cyclo tour was an experience. A cyclo is a small 1 person, 2 wheeled  chair type thing with a bicycle seat and single wheel in back that is "pushed" by a driver. Most of our drivers spoke no english at all (including mine) so it was a interesting experience mixing with the traffic, having no clue what we were seeing or where we were going for the most part. This city is pretty new, only 300 years old. Very, very noisy and colorful with lots of electric lights and neon and traffic. Not really to my tastes.

On the tour we stopped to see museaum on the war, I decided not to go look and chatted with the local guide and Long instead. Then stopped in front of the People's unification palace, Briefly saw the outside of the Cathloc Church and the French designed Post office then were dropped off at the Sherraton to have a drink up on their Rooftop bar. I seem to be feeling a bit poorly, really, really tired. Back to the hotel for a quick shower then most of us met to go to dinner. Ate at a little place nearby, I got roasted pork with fresh noodles, very tasty, and ginger tea. Hoping to prevent myself from getting sick. :( After dinner I was done in so headed back to the hotel, only to end up with a bit of roommate drama. Whee fun. Looks like I get to room on my own for the rest of the trip. Oh well, I guess I can live with having a room to myself for the same cost as sharing.

Day 21, Saigon, Vietnam: Took a day off. Feeling like I am getting a cold. I don't have a great desire to explore this city anyway, so it seems the best time to rest up. Didn't leave the hotel room except for a brief breakfast, tea, passion fruit juice and a scrambled egg (omelet) on a slice of baguette. (included) The buffet had a bunch of Asian breakfast foods. I was interested but just not feeling up to it. Perhaps tomorrow for breakfast. Then back to bed. Dozed and read and worked on the computer a bit all day. Not much of a sunset, it's still gray outside and insanely noisy. CONSTANT honking. *sigh*
7pm met up with some of the rest of the group and we walked to dinner. Still not feeling 100% I got ginger tea and Rice noodle soup with vegtables and chicken. The skinny rice noodles, but it was full of garlic and tasted pretty good. I added a chili slice towards the end and oh wow made it too spicy. Cleared everything RIGHT up. :P Then had a mango shake for desert. (and to put out the fire) and picked at the end of Julie's fish that she was finished with. She had gotten Fried "chinamen fish" with butter garlic and green onion. Very tasty whole fried fish. Sorry, forgot photos again. There seem to be many X-mas decorations here, especially in the touristy areas. The Restaurant had some pretty lights and ornaments on the balcony top where we were sitting. Our hotel has a tree outside, I'll try to remember to take a photo tomorrow morning before we leave. Tomorrow we head into Cambodia. 


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